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Reduction of state participation in the economy is accelerating


 2024-08-12 17:54:36    2071

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In order to ensure the implementation of the goals of the "Uzbekistan - 2030" strategy, the decision was made to "sharply reduce the state participation in the developed private sector sectors of the economy, create a favorable competitive environment for the private sector to operate, and further accelerate the privatization process."According to the decision:- share packages (shares) of 247 state-owned economic companies;- 1028 public auctions of real estate objects of state and state-owned enterprises;- Initial (IPO) or secondary (SPO) public offering of shares of 12 joint-stock companies on the local stock market was determined.Also, during the public offering of shares of state-owned enterprises, accepting orders from local investors at the trading floor of RFB "Tashkent" and, in addition, It is carried out using the electronic trading platform "E-AUKSION", including its mobile application. In this case, by creating a personal cabinet for all investment intermediaries and their clients on the electronic trading platform "E-AUKSION", they will receive orders on an impartial basis in real time, identify investors, conclude an appropriate contract with investment intermediaries, and have an equal opportunity to open a depot account. is created.At the same time, entrepreneurs are given the opportunity to directly purchase a state-owned property that has been rented for at least five years through the electronic trading platform "E-AUKSION" at the appraised value.In order to accelerate the sale of state assets and increase the share of the private sector in the economy, in the event that state assets are not sold for three months, they will be gradually reduced from 10 percent to 10 percent. Starting from May 1, 2024, in order to speed up the sale of non-agricultural land plots and launch production and service facilities, if the land plots released on the electronic trading platform "E-AUKSION" are not sold for three months, their starting price will be gradually reduced from 10% to 30%, to 10% if they are not sold for six months, and 15% of the purchase payments will be paid in installments for three months and the rest for up to 10 years. It is aimed to ensure the well-being of the population by reducing the state's participation in the economy, creating a healthy competitive environment for the private sector and sustainable economic growth.

"Organization of electronic online auctions" JSC Fergana region representative office