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of the State Independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan of Fergana district governor Inomov Khamidullo Tadzhiyevich Congratulations on the 33rd anniversary


 2024-08-31 16:26:25    793

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Hello, dear fellow citizens!

We are celebrating the 33rd anniversary of our independence, which is the greatest and most dear to all of us, with great enthusiasm and joy. In these lucky moments, we would like to thank the respected teachers and trainers who are faithful to their profession under any circumstances and teach the basics of science to our young generation, the passionate doctors who are selflessly serving the people's health, and the country's table. Our brave peasants and farmers who are working selflessly in our fields for the sake of our country, our brave soldiers who are the shields of our motherland, our entrepreneurs who are working hard to improve the development of our economy and the well-being of the people of our district, our enthusiastic young people who are making us all happy with their initial achievements, to our respected sisters who are the pillars of our homes with their great virtues, to our respected fathers and mothers who pray for us in every work and ask for strength and help from the Creator, in a word, the eyes of Fergana district From the bottom of my heart, I sincerely congratulate the people of p nationality on the great holiday.

Dear friends! 

During the period of thirty-three years of independent development, peace, friendship and mutual understanding between all peoples and nationalities living in our country is a cause of special recognition in the society. We are certainly pleased that the relations between the two countries are continuously improving, new conditions and opportunities are being opened wide for the citizens of the two nations. During the visit of our Honorable President to the Fergana region, special attention and emphasis will be given to the villages of Vodil, Avval, Shahimardon of the Fergana district to turn them into a tourism zone, to use all the possibilities in this regard and to establish a raspberry cluster on an area of ​​200 hectares of land in the field of agriculture. They gave a special pride to the children of the district. Of course, let us all be lucky to carry out such responsible tasks in harmony with the people of the district. In addition, Lazizbek Mullajonov, son of Fergana district, became the pride of Uzbekistan by winning the gold medal among our children who deservedly defended the honor of our country at the Olympic games held in Paris. on behalf of our heart, we wish him to win in the world sports arenas in the future.

Dear district residents! 

It has been 33 years since the people of Uzbekistan have enjoyed the blessing of independence and are confidently moving towards the establishment of a great state and a just civil society. The old and the young know very well that we did not achieve today's comfortable, prosperous and free life easily. Therefore, it is our great human duty, great and noble intention to appreciate our independence, to preserve it and further strengthen it, to leave a free and prosperous Motherland to the future generation. 

Dear residents and dear guests!

In our free and prosperous country, in these refreshing days, the joy of the holiday is flowing "If we are united - we are a single nation, if we unite - our Motherland!" Once again, I heartily congratulate the residents of our multi-ethnic district on the 33rd anniversary of our independence.

I wish that peace in our country will continue. 
Let our independence be forever!