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 2024-09-20 16:40:21    1868

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To the farmers, peasant farms and landowners of the Board of Directors of the Council of Farmers, Peasants and Land Owners of Fergana District ADDRESS

Dear compatriots!

Dear peasants and farmers and landowners!

Climate changes,

natural disasters and droughts that have occurred in recent years make it difficult to grow food products. Of course, this situation has a negative effect on us.In order to prevent such situations, in recent years in our country, many decrees and decisions have been adopted by the President for you, farmers, peasant farms and homestead land owners, and as a result, great achievements have been made.In particular, the volume of production in the agricultural sector has doubled. Also, ensuring food safety has become one of the main directions of sustainable development of the socio-economic situation of the society, improving the health and life of citizens.In the development strategy of New Uzbekistan for 2022-2026, the prospects for the rapid development of this industry in the next 5 years were determined. Through the intensive development of agriculture on a scientific basis, the task of increasing the income of peasants and farmers by at least 2 times and bringing the annual growth of agriculture to at least 5% has been strengthened.In fact, at the heart of it is to contribute to the economy of our country through your and our dedication. A person who was born and brought up in this holy land, who considers himself a child of this country, must fulfill his duty to his country, people, to the society that raised him with hopes and brought him to adulthood.Dear peasants and farmers and landowners!We must not forget that our main task is to provide the population of our country with vitamin-rich agricultural products for twelve months of the year, to deliver them to our people's table, and to prevent price increases in our markets.There is a proverb in our people that says, "If you water ninety times, you will get ninety crops." This refers to the ninety days of winter. This saying is not for nothing, because experts say that the seeds of vegetable crops planted in the fall and left under the snow sprout very early from the ground in early spring and give an early harvest due to their rapid development. It is no secret that the product market is brisk in early spring.The ninety-five method of farming, along with being a good source of income, allows to meet the demand of the population for tomorrow's vegetable products. As a result, our markets will be abundant and prices will be stable even in winter and spring.Let's increase our responsibility from today and organize timely planting of onion, garlic, onion and scallions on 7,461 hectares for the harvest of 2025.Angry farmers!In recent years, in our country's large-scale reforms in the field of agriculture, the main focus has been on the rational use of water and land resources, the active introduction of modern technologies into production, the strengthening of the material and technical base and personnel potential of farms and enterprises, most importantly , we are focused on easing the burden of farmers.Feel these opportunities, plant onions, garlic and chives on 5 thousand 322 hectares of orchards and vacant lots, contribute to providing the population of our country with cheap products, and export your products. earn currency in your account!Dear farmersBased on the President's decisions for 2021-2023, 1,290 hectares of cotton and grain arable land used by farms and clusters in Fergana district were divided into 10 hectares and 1 hectare.It is time to prove that these fields were not allocated to you in vain.Come on, feel the obligations imposed on you from the heart, plant onions, garlic and chives on an area of ​​834 hectares. !Grow products based on the principle of "One contour - one field" and receive subsidies from the "Youth Work Agency" for the seeds and seedlings you spend!Create cooperatives, export your products and earn extra income!

Dear landowners,

In all regions of our country, there are many experienced landowners and dedicated farmers who are blessed with their work.Homestead is a source of treasure for every family. Currently, more than 46,600 homestead land owners are working on 1,334 hectares of fertile arable land in our district.As long as we have a fertile land and a farm to earn income, let us always use it productively, make our homes prosperous, and make our living conditions exemplary. Our children who grow up on the basis of such an attitude strive to live well and work hard for their future.Our seasoned, experienced farmers know very well what work needs to be done during this unique autumn period, when the seasons change. Our farmers, who have struggled with the vagaries of nature, should make the most of every moment these days.Plant onions, garlic and chives on 1,305 hectares of land in the district and get additional income!
Dear farmers, farmers and landowners,Carry out the following activities without deviation!First of all, it is very important to arrange the garden, the allocated area, and our own yard. Treat fruit trees and crops against various pests in a timely manner;secondly, finish the plowing in a short period of time in order not to leave an inch of our land empty in the favorable weather of autumn;thirdly, before the onset of cold and rainy season in the fall, sowing seeds of cold-resistant vegetable crops such as carrots, onions, beets, cabbage, green vegetables (spinach, dill, parsley, celery, coriander, lettuce) be;fourthly, under the motto "Homestead is a source of income", organize planting of garlic and onion crops in every locality;First, plant garlic and onion crops based on the principles of "One contour - one product" and "One neighborhood - one product".Dear compatriots, respectable peasants and farmers and landowners, it is our human duty to ensure that our people's table is full, life is prosperous, and prices are cheap in our markets with vegetables and fruits and vegetables grown in our fields and farms! We call everyone to fulfill this duty with a clear conscience!

Members of the Board of the Fergana District Council of Farmers, Farmers and Homestead Land Owners