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Fergana District Council of Farmers, Farmers and Homestead Land Owners


 2024-10-07 18:43:10    994

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Since our main task is to provide the population of our country with agricultural products for twelve months of the year, to deliver them to our people's table, and to prevent price increases in our markets, there is a saying in our nation: "If you water in ninety, you will get a harvest of ninety ", there is an ancient saying.

This refers to the ninety days of winter. This saying is not in vain, because experts say that the seeds of vegetable crops planted in the fall and left under the snow sprout very early from the ground in early spring and give an early harvest due to their rapid development. It is no secret that the product market is brisk in early spring.

In Fergana district, for the harvest of 2025, it is planned to plant 7 thousand 461 hectares of marigold crops. Including, in August-September, 1 thousand 688 hectares, of which 491 hectares on farms, 370 hectares between orchards and vineyards, 161 hectares on farmers' farms, and 666 hectares on residential plots were planted with onion and garlic crops. Feeling the obligations imposed on farms and peasant farms, the planting of onion, garlic and vegetable crops is going on intensively between the rows of orchards and in the allocated areas.